
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello all!

Instead of reading my blog as you are about to do, I ask you take two minutes to power down your phone or computer and close your eyes to rest, and as you continue to read I ask again please rest your mind and reflect for two minutes on the earthly idols you are currently worshipping. Optional but highly recommended

Since August 29th, I’ve been in Georgia training up to be a warrior in the faith and a devoted disciple whose life goal is to spread the Great Commission, how Jesus died for all our sins and ROSE again to live in and with us on earth. There’s been some talk on campus if we as disciples are willing to “die” for Christ. With the help of multiple influential speakers and mentors, I have started to process this reality. Would I die for Christ in this moment?… Probably not. Would I die for my brother or sister in Christ? As I reflect on these thoughts, I’m reminded how much love God has for each of us and how he SENT Jesus to perish on the cross for US out of his abundant LOVE. 

What turns most people off from Christianity is the rules and laws that are provided in the Bible. Guess what! True Christianity is not a religion or a bunch of laws, but it’s a relationship with the Lord God. Y’all need to know Christianity is a rewarding, personal, mutually relationship with Christ! God is commutative, he listens to your requests and needs. He provides humanity with truth and wisdom in his Word. I’m going to pose the question: Do you trust your bank account or do you trust the Lord God? I’d encourage you to consider what you are prioritizing. It’s easy for me, I’m surrounded by fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and get to witness the love of God through others every moment here. After eighteen years of living in the secular world, I can testify to how difficult it is to live with Christ. I dealt with these distractions myself and was led astray at school, work, and in sports. Want to know how to overcome these hurdles? Surround yourself with uplifting communities where you can show intimacy and trust. 

I won’t share my full story on this platform since unfortunately the internet is not a safe place for deep, vulnerable conversations. But I do want to let you know I was able to share my sinful nature with six of the most understanding, loving, caring, human beings. And why are they the way they are, because they all rely on and look up to God for their love, affection, and action; not though their own eyes, but God’s sight. Without God’s love they could have easily judged me for my mistakes, but they reside on the victorious side where you get to receive more than one chance. YOU GET TO FAIL AS A CHRISTIAN! Do I have to repeat myself! You can mess up! You will deal with sin in your life, but by no means let it lead you astray from your eternal Father who loves you no matter what. He has unlimited grace and mercy and gives unwavering LOVE though you will fail. Guys! This is it! I will reference this so you can look it up if you’re a skeptic:) Read 1 John 4:9-12, and see the reason love is so important. Actually just read the whole book of 1 John because it’s the homework that I’m giving you:) (it’s one of the shorter books, only five chapters).

We have the authority given by God to love on our neighbors and pour into the people who have allowed for sin to control their lives. I find this super important because in my testimony I hid from all sources of support and love and did not get the LOVE part of God until someone finally came and actually loved me, sin and all! Love people because they are worth being loved on. Don’t pity people, give grace and you will receive grace. 

One more point, life with Christ is not going to be natural. Living through the motions in this world is natural and easy. You want to have “friends”, do something extremely stupid and post it online. You instantly made a thousand new “friends” who you will never meet. America has created a culture that prioritizes shallow relationships which don’t require vulnerable conversations where people will grow. Find a mentor, a companion to help you deal with your evil deeds, sinful nature, or hidden consuming thoughts. Put your darkness into the light to cleanse your soul. Read Ephesians 5:12-14 for clarity on that subject.

To close, I want you to know that you are deeply loved by friends and family, and by God’s present, everlasting, satisfying, affectionate love! Also, I want to let you guys know I was baptised and have been reborn under the love of God. I have officially gotten into Gordon College with a pretty nice scholarship! A ton of things to be thankful for and to celebrate! Thank you God! Peace be with you all as you live out each day.

Lauren & I 

Lauren is one of the sweetest, most compassionate people who has a pure heart full of joy! Go check out her blog to see how she’s doing while on World Race.

12 responses to “Who Are You Worshiping”

  1. 1 John 4:1 – How do we test the spirits if we do not know the Spirit of God. Being in His Word is so important to understanding His character and our identity in Him. So well put about living in Christ vs the law. Good stuff!

  2. So thankful for your update – baptism, grace, vulnerability, community! Wow! What a gift these past two weeks sound like they have been for you! And yes, the quiet two minutes of reflection (EHS!) brings to mind areas I want to continue surrendering to God. Thankful for his amazing grace! I’m proud of you, Josh! You are in my prayers daily and I love you!!
    – Mom

  3. Wow, Josh! Thanks for sharing these powerful thoughts and congrats. Great things are happening in K squad.

  4. Josh! I love that you shared this. You took the time to challenge us and share how vulnerable we all really are. We all try so hard to push that under the rug. We serve a God that shines his light through the darkness! Thank you for sharing that there are people that can walk with us through these things!

  5. So much happening in Georgia! I appreciate your transparency and challenge. Praying for you and your team daily.

  6. Thanks, Josh, for sharing what God is doing in your life-a beautiful thing! It’s much easier to go with the current (worldly ways), much harder to go upstream. Praying for you & the team: to renew your minds & have God’s heart. Love you Josh??Grandma Linda

  7. This was a beautiful post, Josh! I loved the quiet time I had.
    It sounds like an amazing time.
    Congrats on Gordon too!

  8. Yes yes yes – so much to be thankful for! Thank you for sharing your passionate heart!

  9. These words of grace and praise seem to flow through you Josh. So beautifully written. So much joy! Your happiness makes me happy.

  10. Wow Josh! Sounds like you are doing awesome! You are really deep too. Which is also awesome. Glad you got a nice scholarship to Gordon.

  11. It’s a joy, Josh, to read your blog, once again. God is doing a great thing in your life, and it is so refreshing to re-read and take it all in! May you continue to be enriched in the ways of the Lord, and praying for you and your team daily. Love you, Grandma Linda