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I’ve been blessed to have amazing preparation for the World Race by exposing myself with Godly men at a summer camp called Deerfoot. Here I was challenged physically and mentally with ten other guys while learning to rely on God for all my strength when times got hard and discouraging.

I have been a camper at Deerfoot for a couple of years so I knew about the spiritual high you get when going for camp for two weeks. And when I heard there was a chance to experience Deerfoot for eight weeks through the guide program, I wondered if the time spent was worth my whole summer. It was not an easy decision to choose Deerfoot over seeing friends at home for the summer, but it was a decision that forever changed my life for the better.

Deerfoot is broken down into four sessions, each two weeks long. The first session we worked on achieving our lifeguard, CPR, and first aid certification, while learning slowly how to be counselors since the end goal in session four was to be counselors.

The second session was absolutely stunning since the eleven guides and two guide leaders (quick shout out to Chief Liam and Chief Chad for being so boss) climbed around sixteen high peaks. A fun memory I had of this trip was getting up at 2:00 am to sunrise Marcy (the highest peak in NY) in the complete dark with a couple other guide brothers. The view was just surreal as we took in the almighty God’s beautiful creation. Another memory is having to poop really badly and getting to Slant Rock’s privy (toilet) and unloading the package:) Oh the things you come to appreciate on the trail, like a box with a hole in it to use the bathroom.

For the third session, we took a road trip to Maine and started a canoeing expedition. This is where we completed a three day fast. This experience was a pivotal turning point in my relationship with Christ. I finally got the space and time to read and study the gospels and it was the first time I actually realized they are similar stories told through different lenses. On the third day, it was a battle between my mind and the desire for food. I had never dealt with hunger to this degree, but in this space I felt God most present. It was incredibly fulfilling to give all I had, a rain tarp and some water, to God and worship him through prayer. It was in this moment I got to lift up all the names I could recall and bless those who don’t know Jesus as a companion, a friend. 

And fourth session was a time I got to pour into the hearts of thirteen and fourteen year old boys. I had nine campers in a cabin called Bob Lines where Chief Jasper was my partner. I quickly realized how impressionable these boys were and made it my priority to demonstrate love and compassion to these boys. It was super easy to lose my patience with them at some points (I can now sympathize with parents), but I found myself enjoying the simple moments where I got to speak with them one on one and learn about their stories. I became their support systems, which was a role I embraced and took very seriously. Chief Jasper and I made it a priority that the boys knew vulnerability was encouraged and that Bob Lines was a safe place to engage in serious conversations. I reflected on my experiences in eighth and ninth grade and I was not in healthy places. God used my testimony to work in the lives of my campers during this session. 

The scripture 1 John 2:28 to 3:24 was our guide scripture over the eight weeks. I appreciate how John gets right into the heart of why loving our neighbor is so important. “We know that we have passed from death to life because we love each other,” 1 John 3:14. The reassurance to know that life is fruitful if we chose to love has helped me love when I would rather hate. I’ve found that choosing love gives me a healthier mindset and a calmer presence with the Lord. If I could encourage anyone reading this, make it your priority to love as it gives yourself a sound mind knowing you are being obedient to God’s calling on your life. The awesome part is if you love God and others, it will become evident how much God loves and cares for you! He shows up when you place yourself in uncomfortable situations that require sincere love!!!

I want to end this by thanking everyone for their continual prayers and support! I’ve felt more reassured than ever and at a state of peace about my decision to adventure with the World Race. Thank you for your perseverance to get through this lengthy post. Love you guys!!!

7 responses to “From Deerfoot to the World Race”

  1. So excited for you and proud of you, Josh! I love your tender heart towards what God has for you. I know God has wonderful plans for you as you move into World Race this weekend!! You are a gift!!!

  2. WOOHOO!! There is no better preparation for the world race than to spend a summer at Deerfoot Lodge. Very excited for the season God has prepared for you!

  3. Josh,
    Thank you for sharing your heart. I am so happy you had a good experience this summer. What a blessing! I am excited to follow you as you go on world race around the world. I am praying for you.
    Jen Kegler

  4. Thank you mom! Will definitely miss you this year! Praying for your job switch and for peace with officially becoming empty nesters. Love you and Dad so so so much! LYTTMAB!

  5. You are off to a great start, Josh! Can’t wait to hear all about your adventures and how God will teach you and work through you. Kevin and I are praying for you.
    May God’s peace be with you.

  6. Josh, we just received your thank you card and we were so touched by your thoughtfulness and also love the humor! We reminisced together with kids tonight about great memories with you… our door is ALWAYS to open you!! We wish you all the best and look forward to the day you are home visiting and we are lucky enough to see you again! Keep smiling and be that kind, humorous, thoughtful person you are, we miss you and wish you all the best!! Love, the Stacy Family

  7. Hey Josh. So great talking with you yesterday!! We are so full of emotions here. Excited for you and proud of the young man you have become. I can’t imagine a better place for you to be. So happy you are serving God and others with a group of likeminded young adults. It gives me hope in a world with a lot of negative news. Keep up the good work son!! Love, Dad