Hello 2023!
The squad has now transitioned from Hua Hin, Thailand to Jeffreys Bay, South Africa! In the six days at Thailand, I was blessed to have intentional one on one conversations with several squad leaders & coaches: Meagan, Don, Esther, Andy, Zach, and Hallie, where I was allowed to slow down in healthy discussion to share my personal journey with the heavenly Father. I loved hearing from the leaders and their own spiritual journeys because they have so much to offer and wisdom to give!
A couple of days before Thailand, I reached out to Jen Fasteryga, who’s serving Cambodians while living in Siem Reap! I got to know Jen on the surface level at first, but soon got into deeper conversations and started bouncing off each other in discussion! It was an immediate connection since we both hold such desires to grow in intimacy with the Almighty Lord! I want to let you know, before you read Jen’s beautiful testimony, I received permission to post her story to the public! I know Jen’s a gentle, humble, and faithful daughter of the Lord and it’s been such a blessing to serve alongside her whether in village ministry or sweet worship time. I invite you to read through a testimony of God working through a woman who said YES to her calling as a disciple.
Here is Jen Festeryga’s Testimony:
On December 14th, our team traveled to the village with a new member this time and her name is Jen. She pulled up to the gates of New Day New Life on her motto and I thought she was so cool. I didn’t get to talk with her on the way to the village, but on the way back I felt like I knew her as family. After we finished ministry, Jen built up the courage to give the whole group feedback. Jen boldy encouraged us to be even more present with the kids, even when we got sleepy. She shared that our periodic bunching up when we felt either bored or useless expressed our lack of an ability to be intentional with the kids and that might have portrayed to some of the older kids that we simply did not care about them. Immediately I knew her advice was very wise and full of thoughtfulness, so felt this huge respect for our new member. Jen’s confidence in sharing this constructive feedback encouraged all the racers who were present to grow in that specific area.
With plenty of time in the van and a humble heart, Jen shared her testimony how God called her to follow Him to Cambodia. It’s funny because Jen had no intentions of being in Cambodia for the rest of her life with her husband James. In fact, Jen & James were very set on Guatemala and their heart belonged to the people in Central America. One night Jen had a dream of some kids and assumed these kids belonged to Guatemala because her heart was set on the people there. Then, one evening, while watching a random documentary, Jen was shocked because the kids in her dream were in the documentary and the country was not Guatemala, but Cambodia. From there, Jen received legit a dozen signs from either, other people bringing up Cambodia out of the blue in conversation, or God speaking directly to her. I can’t blame Jen for wrestling with the Lord about Cambodia because it really is a very difficult place to be an outspoken Believer, not to mention the language Khmer is one of the hardest in the world to learn. After about a year of pushing off God’s blunt callings to Cambodia, Jen and James decided to pursue the Lord’s faithfulness and say YES to God’s calling on their life!
Now, God is working through this married couple with a rock climbing business that will be open in April if anyone decides to visit Siem Reap and wants to rock climb:) James will run the business and Jen is currently serving alongside other believers at NGOs that love God and the people in Cambodia! What’s so crazy is I get to run into people like this on the regular and hear the incredible testimonies of God working through these crazy people who travel the globe. And God is providing for His people and Jen and James have the peace of the Lord even while starting up a new business, learning a crazy new language, and settling into a new home. I thank God for placing people like Jen into my life because these Godly men and women remind me of God’s provision and faithfulness when you let your yes be YES and follow the Lord’s prompting without doubt of what’s to come.
Thank you for reading!
While reading this, I hope you got a chance to slow down, as I got that same chance in Thailand. I encourage you to share stories, whether big or small, that edify the Lord because all testimonies glorify the eternal kingdom. Let’s stuart the testimonies given to us by God in order to edify our Lord! Share your story, it will be earth shattering when you bring the darkness into the light. Like the Lord says in Acts 26:18, “open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.” A story shared in a safe place will bring new feelings of peace, a slowness to actually realize you’re breathing, and a feeling of miraculous freedom.
Picture explanation:
James & Jen are on the bottom right of the picture. Reid, Derek, & I are in the middle on the top row. Our ministry hosts at New Day New Life, Shannon & Vicki, are directly to the right of us. This picture was taken when James & Jen graciously invited multiple believers into their new house! I met so many new believers at this gathering and built new relationships with other disciples who love the Lord!
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences Josh! I’m always encouraged when I read one of your posts!
Hey Josh! What a story of God’s faithfulness in pursuing Jen – and her willingness to say YES! It’s a beautiful reminder to me that what He asks for is a willing heart. And I LOVE the concept of sharing our stories… God 100% uses our broken places and there is redemptive work in humbly sharing what He is doing! Thanks for sharing your heart, Josh! Thankful you keep encouraging me on in my own faith journey! ❤️ – Mom